Latest Episodes

Ch3-01(Confession of Faith in the Holy Spirit)_The Triune God
Must Christians know God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as one God, and confess their faith in all of them? Yes....

Ch3-02_God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, “Ruwach Qadowsh” in Hebrew, and “Πνεῦμα ἅγιον” (pronounced pnevma aghion) in Greek, is the third Person of the Trinity. The Apostles’...

Ch3-03_What God the Holy Spirit Does
What, then, does God the Holy Spirit do? First, the Holy Spirit participates in the ministries led by God the Father and the Son....

Ch3-04_How Can We Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
To understand what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is, we need to first understand why Jesus was baptized by John and died on...

Ch3-05_Who Is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit refers to the third Person among God. The faith of this Trinity is the most fundamental and core faith. This truth...

Ch3-06_What Are the Main Works of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit does the work of sealing the hearts of the saints who have been forgiven of their sins by believing in the...