To reemphasize once again, it is those who believe in the Word of God in their hearts who can be filled with the Holy Spirit. When we hold onto the Word of God, when we believe in it and rely on it, the Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts gives us faith and strength, approves our faith as right, and helps us at our side so that we can live our lives by believing in this Word. This is why He is called the Holy Spirit, the Helper or the Counselor (John 14:16).
The Holy Spirit refers to the third Person among God. The faith of this Trinity is the most fundamental and core faith. This truth...
Our desire is that the Apostles’ faith be handed down to us in its unadulterated purity. This is our wish, and the hope of...
God sent His Son Jesus as the One who “will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). To take upon the sins of...